Andy's Utility Cartridge 150101 For the Commodore 64 10+ Utilities for the Commodore 64 A new collection of utilities on cartridge for the Commodore 64 - 64 DOCTOR 64 Doctor diagnostic sequence by Computer Software Associates. 64 TESTER Comprehensive screen, keyboard & joystick port tester by Tim Cannell. FAST LOADER Commodore 64 fast disk loader with shortcuts by MR. BYTE. TURBO NIB COPY Copy Q turbo nibbler disk copier with error scanner by Cracker & CSS. DISK TOOL b.S Disk Tool V6.5 with comprehensive floppy & disk monitors by Klaus Raczel. CASS.AZIMUTH Cassette Azimuth for aligning & adjusting your datasette by H Diebek. HEAD ALIGN Minimal head alignment v1.1 for your datasette by Enthusi. 1541 ALIGNMENT Commodore 1541 disk drive track & sector alignment by Antiram 15 SEC FORMAT Fast 15 second formatter by Mike J. Henry & Alf Maier. THRUST CONCERT Music concert featuring Rob Hubbard & Jeremy Smith by Stoat & Tim. 1541 ALPS CHECK Alps 1541 drive a...
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