Commodore 64/128 BlinkingDiag 4-in-1 Diagnostic Module by Tebl


Commodore 64/128 BlinkingDiag 4-in-1 Diagnostic Module by Tebl

Commodore 64/128 BlinkingDiag 4-in-1 Diagnostic Module by Tebl

The BlinkenDiag module has been designed to test and diagnose problems with your Commodore 64 & 128, showing the status of the address and data bits with 24 LEDs and the supply voltage on an integrated mini 3-digit LED voltmeter.

Supplied Pre-loaded with 4 diagnostic cartridges -
  • Commodore 586220 Diagnostic Cartridge
  • Commodore 781220 Dead Test Cartridge
  • Commodore ST10 Dead Test Cartridge with extended SID test
  • World of Jani Commodore 1541 Diagnostic & Test

The BlinkingDiag uses a 28c256, which can be easily erased and programmed with your choice of software (4 slots of 8K) with a suitable programmer (not included), this means you can use it for games, utilities, sound and lots more.

The BlinkingDiag uses three press/locking switches, a reset button and 4 jumpers to configure software and LED modes.

This is based on a project by Tebl -
If you have any questions just ask. This is made by myself and is not vintage.

The BlinkingDiag 4-in1 £40 plus postage.
To order email

Updated 1st March 2025


  1. Commodore 64/128 BlinkingDiag 4-in-1 Diagnostic Module by Tebl is top;)


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